Join our support network to keep updated on our activities throughout the year. You will receive regular e-newsletters and news about events and opportunities to join us.
Our offshore research work is important. We are the only group in New Zealand dedicated to conducting research on our offshore species and habitats. Our work is also expensive, especially for a research collective that is a 100% non-profit charitable trust. We are always looking for opportunities to form partnerships with companies, individuals or organisations that are interested in coming on board to help fund our research programmes.
The Far Out Research Collective can provide plenty of rewards for contributions towards our work. We can offer our sponsorship partners official endorsement of commercial products, or can make opportunities for personal to come on board literally to experience our research at sea. We also provide significant exposure of any funding relationships through our social media networks and provide partners with attractive film and photographic media useful for marketing campaigns.
If you or your organisation are interested in coming on board to assist with our important work please get in touch. We’d love to connect to form a partnership that benefits you, our trust and the species and habitats we study.