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Our mission

To foster knowledge and conservation of the oceanic marine environment through research, education and awareness.

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False killer whales

The false killer whale remains one of the lesser known cetaceans and fostering knowledge and awareness of this charismatic species remains at the heart of our work. You can see some of our work on New Zealand’s false killer whales documented in the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 series.

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Manawanui, a 72ft ocean going sailing yacht and our team of highly skilled professionals enable us to facilitate effective long-term research projects on little known species and in poorly studied areas

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manawanui ocean research collective

The Far Out Ocean Research Collective provides a platform for open ocean research and marine conservation. By combining science with technology, media, culture and community, we provide a holistic approach to oceanographic studies. Our key assets are the SV Manawanui, a 72ft ocean going sailing yacht and our team of highly skilled professionals. These enable us to facilitate effective long-term research projects on little known species and in poorly studied areas.

Our objectives are to:

  • Conduct and support scientific research and knowledge of New Zealand’s oceanic ecosystems. 
  • Foster and advance strategies to effectively communicate research findings and implications not only to the scientific community and relevant management bodies but also the general public.
  • Promote opportunities for professionals to engage with schools and communities to advance marine environmental education
  • Advance research methodologies and technologies to increase effectiveness and reduce adverse research impacts.
  • Provide scientific and logistical assistance to relevant groups and institutions for the purpose of furthering the aims of the trust
  • Promote and respect the cultural values of kaitiakitanga of the oceanic environment of tangata whenua.


About us

Jochen ZaeschmarJochen Zaeschmar

Jochen initiated the New Zealand false killer whale research programme in 2005 which eventually led him to realize his vision of creating Far Out; a platform for collaborative research on the open ocean environment. He is a conservation biologist with an MSc from Massey University, Auckland on the ecology of New Zealand’s little-known false killer whales. Jochen is a commercial skipper and owner of Far Out’s main research vessel, the Manawanui. Passionate about marine conservation, he is a member of various conservation groups and dedicates much of his time to the promotion of greater awareness and appreciation of the ocean and its inhabitants. He lives and works in the Bay of Islands.



Tom Brough

Tom bioTom is an experienced marine ecologist with a background in population biology, spatial ecology and distribution studies of marine megafauna and their prey. One of Tom’s major areas of interest is in the understanding of the habitat characteristics that drive when, where and why marine species aggregate. This has led to a diverse skill set including habitat mapping, oceanographic sampling, prey sampling, remote sensing, hydro-acoustics, passive acoustic monitoring, scientific diving and megafauna surveys. Tom also has a strong interest in the design and monitoring of marine protected areas. A personal interest in all things marine particularly sailing, freediving and surfing cements Tom’s involvement with the sea and his desire to understand and conserve its values. Tom currently works for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research as a marine ecologist.



Sarah Dwyer

Sarah on research boat at Great BarrierSarah is a marine ecologist based on Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. She received her PhD from Massey University in 2015. Her doctoral research focused on the spatial ecology and conservation of cetaceans using the Hauraki Gulf, North Island. This work involved distribution modelling of whales and dolphins, and identified a previously unknown hotspot for New Zealand coastal bottlenose dolphins. Sarah is experienced in a range of marine surveying techniques including aerial line-transect surveys for marine megafauna, boat-based visual surveys for marine mammals, photo-identification, and coral reef health assessments. She is passionate about protecting New Zealand’s natural heritage from ridge to reef and beyond, and is excited to be part of a team who share her conservation and educational values.



Marta Guerra

MartaMarta Guerra is a marine biologist, with a strong focus on the ecology and conservation of marine mammals. Her main research interests include species-habitat relationships, food webs, behaviour, and anthropogenic impacts on wild populations. Marta works as a teaching fellow at the Otago University. Her current research focuses on the ecology of sperm whales in submarine canyons. Marta actively participates in projects involving the local community, and is particularly passionate about communicating the importance of marine conservation to younger generations.


Contact us

Please get in touch:
0800 FAR OUT (0800 327 688)

Postal address:
Far Out Ocean Research Collective
c/o Jochen Zaeschmar,
P.O.Box 91
Paihia 0247
New Zealand